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Radiosender aus Agder
Radio Agder

Radio Agder Radio Live
Radio Agder is a Norwegian radio channel that is based in Kristiansand, located in the southern region of Norway known as Agder. The channel caters its programs to the people living in Agder region and beyond. With over 30 years of history, Radio Agder has become a cultural institution in the region, providing a platform for local and national news, talk shows, and music programs for all kinds of music lovers. The program schedule is jam-packed with a mix of local and national content, with shows such as "Morgenfugl" for the early risers, "Sørlandschatten" for traditional music enthusiasts, and "Agdernytt" for the latest regional news. Broadcasting 24/7, Radio Agder offers a diverse range of programs which are suitable for every age and taste. Tune in to Radio Agder via their website or on FM to stay connected with local news and entertainment in the Agder region.
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Radiosender aus Agder
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