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Radiosender aus Rogaland
Radio NordNorge

Radio NordNorge Radio Live
Radio NordNorge is a popular radio station based in Tromsø, Norway. It serves the northern regions of the country, including Finnmark, Troms, and Nordland. The radio station has a diverse range of programming, including music, news, and talk shows. It broadcasts 24/7 and has a particular focus on promoting local culture and language. The station's website is regularly updated with news stories and current events, making it a reliable source of information for residents of the northern regions. Some of the highlights of the station's programming include "Musikkmølla" - a program dedicated to showcasing new and upcoming artists, "Sport i Nord" - a sports program covering local and national events, and "Sørsamisk radio" - a program promoting the Sami language and culture. Radio NordNorge has become a staple in the region and is a go-to source for news and entertainment for many residents.
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Radiosender aus Rogaland
Radio Haugaland