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Radiosender aus Trøndelag
Jæren Misjonsradio

Jæren Misjonsradio Radio Live
Jæren Misjonsradio is a Christian radio channel based in Jæren, Norway. It is an FM and online radio station that serves Jæren, Dalane, and Haugaland regions of the country. The channel aims to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through music, teaching, and prayers. Jæren Misjonsradio's content is available in both Norwegian and English languages. The station runs a 24-hour schedule of programs designed to meet the spiritual needs of its listeners, which includes daily devotionals, music programs, and live broadcasts of church services. The radio's website,, provides listeners with updated information about the station's programs, events, and news. Overall, Jæren Misjonsradio seeks to offer its region's people with faith-inspired content that inspires and educates.
Weitere Radiosender aus Trøndelag
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Radiosender aus Trøndelag
NRK P1 Trøndelag